Custom Picture Framing
ArtSmart is renowned for quality and well-priced custom picture framing, artwork mounting, and canvas stretching. We are the framers of choice for many of Sydney’s art galleries, museums, and professional artists, and we pride ourselves on our framing craftsmanship. We have the honour of regularly working with several internationally represented artists and Archibald finalists every year.
Please come and see our Custom Framing Design Consultants at ArtSmart so they can guide you through our large range of picture framing options. We have a large team of highly experienced framers on-board (over 100 years of collective framing experience) and many of our employees are artists themselves. We often work alongside interior designers and stylists who are after a signature style for their clients.
ArtSmart offers a artwork pickup and delivery service (subject to size) for our local area - call the shop to arrange a date/time.
At ArtSmart we:
- Frame Artwork on Paper (Watercolour, Acrylic, Gouache, Prints, Oils etc)
- Stretch and Frame Canvases
- Frame Artwork on Board
- Frame Posters (including Antique Posters)
- Frame Photographs
- Frame Tapestries and Cross-stitches
- Frame Valuable Artworks Requiring Special Conservation Framing
(using museum grade materials) - Support Exhibition Framing
- Frame Photo Collages
- Make Custom Sized Mirrors for your home, shop or work space
- Mount Original Artworks
- Mount Photos
- Mount HSC Artwork
- Block Mounting
- Printboard Mounting
- Acrylic Mounting
- Provide Custom “Frameless” framing in acrylic
- Support and Frame for School Art Fundraisers (come in before you start and we can discuss ways to make your framing more cost effective)
- Frame Memorabilia - including jerseys, caps, medals, shoes, etc with plaques
- Stretch and Frame Designer Fabric to Create a Unique Artwork.
- Replace Broken Glass in Existing Framed Artworks
- Repair and Replace Frames
- Provide Art Restoration Services
Glazing Options for Picture Framing:
- Regular Picture Framing Glass - a cost-effective framing option.
- Artglass - reduced reflection, very clear, and helps protect artworks from the impact of UV rays. This is a good option if the artwork is going to be hung where it will get direct sunlight or if the artwork is valuable.
- Acrylic - reflects similar to regular picture framing glass, however has high UV protection and is light-weight (good for larger artworks)

Contact Us
ArtSmart prides themselves on working closely with interior designers and both locally and internationally recognized artists. All our customers rely on us to provide professional art advice and a framing service that is to the highest quality while remaining cost-effective. ArtSmart's staff are friendly, professional and experienced in the use of the art materials that we sell and in all aspects of our custom picture framing services, so please contact us if you have any questions. Alternatively you can visit our store on Sydney's Northern Beaches to discuss your exciting projects face-to-face.
50 Ethel Street, Seaforth, NSW 2092 / Tel. 02 9949 7477